अनुपूरक आयव्ययक - anupoorak ayavyayak,anupurak ayavyayak meaning in hindi

Suggested :
जिम्मावारी | lexicon |
" has been adopted into the English lexicon | |
ओक्य | fun |
In common English usage the term comics is often associated to what is fun | |
छोटका | smaller |
Mount Petrie at and the smaller rises of Toohey Mountain | |
अन्वीक्षा करना | try |
Scoring in both games occurs by achieving either a try or a goal. | |
खेल | game |
The team that has scored more goals at the end of the game is the winner |
anupoorak ayavyayak,anupurak ayavyayak
अक्षरों की संख्या: 15 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
anupuuraka aayavyayaka
Related spellings : anupoorak aayavyayak,anupoorak ayavyayak,anupurak aayavyayak
Related spellings : anupoorak aayavyayak,anupoorak ayavyayak,anupurak aayavyayak
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